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Price On Call

MBBR Media: The most crucial element of MBBR Process and its important properties

Price : Price On Call
Type : Exchange
Date : 8 July 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : B/10, Pavitrakunj Society, CTM Cross Roads, Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad- 380026

As the MBBR/IFAS process involves attached growth microbial communities for the biochemical oxidation, the IFAS / MBBR media is the most crucial element of the process which allows growth of microorganism in the form of biofilms on it.

Important Properties of MBBR Media:

Hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity and its density

Size and shape of voids and inner porosity

Surface Roughness and adsorbing capacity

Degree of filling

Biofilm Thickness and its control

Mixing and Diffusion Gradients

Levapor has developed an ideal MBBR/IFAS media after years of research and development. Levapor mbbr media do not just offer higher surface area to retain just biomass in the biological reactor. But Levapor provides ideal habitat for the growth of beneficial microorganisms responsible for the biodegradation of the target pollutants for specific wastewater.

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