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How to Choose the Best Optional Subject for UPSC?

Price : Price On Call
Type : Sell
Date : 2 September 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Pillar No. 99, 17a/44 3rd Floor, W.E.A. Karol Bagh, Near Karol Bagh Metro Station New Delhi, Delhi 110005

It is important to take a wise decision of which optional subject to choose for the UPSC. Usually, it is entirely the aspirant’s choice of which UPSC optional subject he/she wants to choose. But at Sapiens IAS, they suggest you choose Anthropology for IAS as an optional subject. You will be doing a lot of research around, as this subject entirely is a study of science and social science. The topics help you to have a deeper knowledge of individuals, cultures, and societies. With proper diagrams, tables, flowcharts, and so on, we save our time and score high. The answer writing becomes less hectic. The most significant aspect is its relation to other disciplines. It has an interdisciplinary connection with subjects of GS paper I and II. It is easy to grab this subject if you study with curiosity. Your concentration while studying would overweigh your performance. The layout of the syllabus of anthropology is very much different and interesting from that of the other IAS optional subjects. We can say that it is somewhat easier and understandable.

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