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Type : Sell
Date : 31 March 2021
Condition : New
Location : New Delhi

With my last experience of buying online products. I swear that I’ll never buy products online again. Everybody is trying to sell their product without any worry about us “the customer”. Are we just money-making machines for them? Is this what comes to your mind when you see any online product? That’s where the due diligence of customer comes in. Do you check the reviews? Did you check the site? Was the site trustworthy? We’re the products tested? That’s all you need to check. Or just check out at Beacon to buyers, where only tried and tested products are listed for your satisfaction. Because you matter for us.

Link: Beacon To Buyers

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Highest Bid: $0.00

Lowest Bid: $0.00

Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers
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