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₨3,950.00 (Fixed)

Bathroom accessories manufacturer in Delhi | Cruzz Fittings

Price : ₨3,950.00 (Fixed)
Type : Buy
Date : 4 May 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Badli Industrial Area, Pocket 10, Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi- 110034

Cruzz cp fittings is a renowned manufacturer and supplier of a luxurious designed range of bathroom and kitchen accessories including CP Bath fittings, Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink, PTMT Fittings, SS Sink, All types of Shower, All Single Lever Fittings, CP Bathroom Fittings, Water Taps and Bathroom Accessories at affordable prices. Our team consists of technically qualified professionals who work hard to produce the best quality fittings for our customers.

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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers
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