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₨1,500.00 (Fixed)

Albumin-bound paclitaxel price in india

Price : ₨1,500.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : 17 August 2021
Warranty : No
Location : 02, Ground Floor, Gagandeep Building,Govind Lal Sikka Marg, Rajendra Place, New Delhi

Order albumin-bound paclitaxe medication at a great price on Magicine Pharma. This medication is indicated for the treatment of Prostate cancer and it is available in the form of tablets. Buy albumin-bound paclitaxel price in india at the best price. For our customers across the globe, we provide multiple services including fast delivery service and secure payment options. At Magicine Pharma, we also offer a wide range of life-saving medications (Cancer, HIV, Rheumatology, Hepatitis) and surgical equipment. Place your order now with us and get this anti-cancer medication at a discounted price.

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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers
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