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B.Com Course, Fees, Duration, Admission, Colleges, Syllabus, Job & Salary

Price : Free
Type : Sell
Date : 21 June 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : B-48, First Floor Sector-63, Noida, U.P., 201301

Bachelor of Commerce is abbreviated as B.Com. A Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com Course) is an undergraduate academic degree granted for a Commerce programme. In general, instead of one or two mandatory topics, candidates can choose any mix of subjects. This may differ from one institute to the next. It usually lasts 3 to 4 years, depending on university requirements. It is usually separated into six semesters.

Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Finance are among the specialisations available in B.Com programmes. The curriculum is created and led by qualified accounting experts with the goal of grooming scholars to bridge the supply-demand imbalance in the fields of commerce and accounting.

Aspirants who complete this course will get conceptual understanding and analytical abilities that will aid them in many fields of work. This course seeks to provide students with a complete understanding of accounting, finance, taxation, law, and management, among other topics. Professionals pursuing a B.Com degree have the opportunity to learn about computerised accounting as well as receive instruction from chartered accountants.

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