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Price On Call

Proexcellency provides Kinaxis Rapid Response Online training

Price : Price On Call
Date : 16 April 2021
Location : #2/1, 1st floor, 20th K Cross Rd, Ejipura

Kinaxis RapidResponse is a supply chain management solution that helps large enterprises with planning. RapidResponse offers organizations the supply chain planning and analytics capabilities they need to manage multiple interconnected supply chain planning processes. RapidResponse is the only platform on the market that delivers patented database and visualization technology with decades of in-depth supply chain expertise. The result is a planning platform and associated applications and core algorithms purpose-built with supply chains in mind.

Kinaxis RapidResponse Online Training Provides information management integration,inventory analysis and order processing analysis.

Kinaxis Online Training Offers features such as supply chain management,Sales or Operation planning, Demand Planning, Supply and Capacity Planning.

The Kinaxis RapidResponse Demand Planning application helps demand planners create an unconstrained consensus demand forecast that combines the statistical forecast with multiple functional forecast perspectives and events.

Kinaxis RapidResponse corporate Online training is used by Serveral Industries like Aerospace,Defence,Automative,Industrial,Lifesciences and consumer products.

For Joining Kinaxis RapidResponse ONLINE TRAINING batches please feel free to call or email us.

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