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Price : Price On Call
Type : Sell
Date : 14 July 2021
Condition : New
Location : Head Office 404, Siddha Jewels, Nathmalji Ka Katla, Agra Road Jaipur 302003, Rajasthan,

<a href=”>Ruby</a> belonging to the corundum family, is one of the most sought-after cardinal gems all around the world after diamonds, sapphires, and derives its name from Latin ‘ruber’ meaning ‘red’. The greater the darkness of the stone, the higher its value. Owing to its divine crimson shade and powerful properties, it is one of the largest selling stones in the jewelry business.

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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers
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